Facial care

Tailor-made facial care in Montpellier (34)

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5.0 (4 reviews)

Montpellier (34)

  • 1 hour
  • One person

You can cancel free of charge up to 48h before the date of the activity.

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Activity description :

Carla offers a tailor-made facial, adapted to your skin type and offering a unique experience of well-being. A moment of relaxation and well-being!

The benefits:

  • Optimal hydration: The customized treatment can target your skin's specific hydration needs, helping to maintain an optimal balance.

  • Deep cleansing: A customized treatment can include cleansing steps tailored to your skin type, removing impurities and dead cells, promoting cleaner, brighter skin.

  • Reducing imperfections: The right products and techniques can help reduce the appearance of imperfections such as acne, spots or redness, leaving skin more even-toned.

  • Stimulation of blood circulation: Some treatments may include massages or techniques that promote blood circulation, contributing to better oxygenation of skin cells.

  • Relaxation and well-being: In addition to the benefits for the skin, a personalized treatment can provide a feeling of relaxation and well-being, helping to reduce stress.

Treat yourself to the ultimate sensory experience of relaxation and well-being with this tailor-made treatment, where every fluid, enveloping movement will transport you to a world of deep relaxation and absolute soothing.


Métamorphose facial care

Price per person



1803 Rue Gaston Bachelard, 34070 Montpellier, France

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