Care & massage

Reiki massage in Chemillé-en-Anjou (49)

Offered by :


Chemillé-en-Anjou (49)

  • 1 hour
  • One person


You can cancel free of charge up to 48h before the date of the activity.

Gift card valid for 12 months, free exchange

Activity description :

Come and spend a relaxing moment with Sylvain! You'll be welcomed into his practice for a Reiki session, where he'll help you relax and improve your mental health in a natural way ! Reiki is an energetic healing method of Japanese origin that promotes balance and deep well-being. Accessible to all, Reiki acts on the body and mind to promote relaxation, reduce stress and improve general well-being. The practitioner acts on his client through a simple imposition of his hands on various areas of the body.

Benefits :

  • Relieves various areas
  • Releases physical and emotional blockages
  • Reduces stress
  • Promotes overall health.

Reiki is an invitation to an inner journey, a gentle interlude in everyday life. So don't hesitate, you'll come out of it feeling 100% empowered.


Reiki - 1h

Price per person



Weekdays: 28 Bis Rue de la Broderie, 49120 Chemillé-en-Anjou
Saturday: 1 rue Soyer, 49380 Thouarcé, Bellevigne-en-Layon

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